Nghĩa của từ mycosis|mycoses bằng Tiếng Anh


[my·co·sis || maɪ'kəʊsɪs]

fungal disease, disease caused by fungus (Pathology)

Đặt câu với từ "mycosis|mycoses"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "mycosis|mycoses", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ mycosis|mycoses, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ mycosis|mycoses trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh

1. Ascomycetes include parasites of higher plants and the causative agents of mycoses in animals and humans.

2. 17 To evaluate the early diagnosis ways of the tonsil mycosis.

3. 20 The bio energetic testing revealed a wheat allergy and an intestinal mycosis.

4. Composition for the treatment of vulvovaginitis and other cutaneous mycoses, comprising bergamot and boric acid in appropriate percentages.

5. 9 Milia in regressing plaques of mycosis fungoides:Provoked by topical nitrogen mustard or not?

6. 14 Objective To improve the knowledge on diagnosis and treatment of nasal mycosis.

7. 15 Purpose : To raise clinical X - ray diagnosis standard to the pulmonary mycosis.

8. 6 Method review of CT representations of 57 cases mycosis of sinus was made.

9. The term 'Antifungals' encompasses all chemical compounds, pharmacologic agents, and natural products used to treat mycoses

10. 18 Objective To research the CT findings of maxillary sinus mycosis and their diagnostic value.

11. 12 Objective To discuss the representation and value of CT examination of mycosis of sinus.

12. Amphotericin B, an effective but relatively toxic drug, has long been the mainstay of Antifungal therapy for invasive and serious mycoses

13. 7 Method:From 1995 to 19 9 patients of mycosis sphenoiditis were treated with endoscopic sinus surgery.

14. 19 The GDM infection mostly includes urinary and respiratory route infection,[] vaginitis of trichomonas and mycosis.

15. 5 Candidiasis is a common mycosis, most of which is caused by the opportunistic fungal pathogen , albicans.

16. 21 Objective To investigate the pathogenicity of Scopulariopsis brevicaulis and to discuss the pathogenesis of systemic mycosis.

17. 16 Objective : To review the diagnosis and treatment of non - mycosis of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses.

18. 3 Wool mycosis, malign external auditory meatus is cholecystitis of swollen sex of phlogistic, gas, necrotic quality phlegmon .

19. Candidiasis, often called yeast infection or thrush, is a type of infectious disease.It is a fungal infection (mycosis)

20. 11 To observe the efficacy and safety of 1% Terbinafine Hydrochloride Cream in the treatment of superficial mycosis.

21. 1 Milia in regressing plaques of mycosis fungoides:Provoked by topical nitrogen mustard or not? Kalayciyan A. , Oguz O. , Demirkesen C.

22. Triazole Antifungals are active to treat an array of fungal pathogens, whereas imidazoles are used almost exclusively in the treatment of superficial mycoses and vaginal candidiasis

23. Antifungal drug, any substance that acts selectively against a fungal pathogen (disease-causing organism) in the treatment of fungal infection (mycosis)

24. 8 Conclusion: Alliun is effective in treating children's mycosis intestinalis and superior to Nystatin, and it is easy for children to accept.

25. 2 Objective To detect telomerase activity in patients with mycosis fungoides(MF )and study the role of telomerase in the tumorigenesis of MF.